Austin Haugen
CRO, RIO & Creators Ecom
Choose the perfect plan with powerful features tailored to stores of every size.
Austin Haugen
CRO, RIO & Creators Ecom
Corey Stary
VP Revenue, Kahawa1893
Jake Giebel
Owner, ShutterBombs
Being a Shopify Partner allows Curvature to access and handle merchant data in a secure and robust way by using Shopify's official APIs.
Curvature has received funding from Innovation Fund Denmark, which supports innovative technological projects.
Find answers to common queries about Curvature AI, or get in touch for more information.
When integrating Curvature, we use a "done for you" mindset. All you need to do is install the app. Because of our experiment approach, we don't touch your theme or require andycustom code.
We strive to offer the best price in our category. Check out our pricing page for more information.
Using our pre-post testing approach, two different customers never see two different prices at the same time, which avoids bad experiences and legal doubts.
Our model can handle most experiments aiming to optimize conversion, AOV, or profit. Get in touch if you want us to set up something special for you.
Ditch your gut feel prices - start experimenting today.